Return, Refund, and Chargeback Policy

You agree to our “Returns, Refunds and Chargeback Policy” which shall be considered as an addendum to this agreement and you agree that you read, understand and accept it fully as is. You are bound by our Returns, Refunds and Chargeback Policy which is a binding extension to this agreement. By agreeing to TPL Awards & Honours Terms and Conditions you also agree to our “Returns, Refunds and Chargeback Policy” which shall be considered as an addendum to this agreement.

1. All purchases made through TPL Awards and Honours & its competition are final and there are no refunds or returns.
2. We would like to clearly and explicitly state that, we will absolutely not refund any fees and payments. We do not issue refunds regarding nominations especially after results announcement.
3. Entrants cannot allow children or other unauthorized family members or friends to access their credit cards or their account at the payment site to ensure that no one pays for a purchase without their express permission. You agree and acknowledge that we will not be refunding the amount that was accidentally paid due to your negligence.
4. Entrants cannot request a refund because their entries were not declared as the winner of the awards that the entrants or clients participated in.
6. You cannot request a refund after once you have made payments to enter the awards and also after the results are announced.
7. Unless otherwise warranted by the Seller, the return fee is always paid by the Buyer.
8. If the Buyer is returning an item that is not as described, that does not comply with contract, if the product does not work, or if the product is not suitable for its intended function, then the return fee is always paid by the Seller.
9. In case if a shipment is lost, and if you did not use tracking, there will not be any return taking place and you will not be eligible for any refunds. You should understand, agree and assume full liability if any item from original shipment is missing, when original shipment pieces are missing, you might lose your eligibility for refunds or you might get partial refunds, decision made at the sole discretion of TPL Awards and Honours.
10. If we determine that you are misusing refunds and return policies against good faith such as excessive returns, damaging items in order to refund them as damaged, making false statements about product conditions and communicating inaccurate reasons for returns or similar, we might limit, suspend or terminate your account, and we also reserve right to communicate your personal information to any Sellers or Buyers you might have harmed.
11. You are solely responsible for accepting and processing returns of your products and services; TPL Awards and Honours does not have any responsibility or obligation for processing such returns and you are liable for any refunds or returns that you do not make.
12. You agree and understand that there will be no refunds for products that were not return in its original condition, including but not limited to the original packages, documents, invoice, receipts, and everything that was in the packages when you first received them.
13. TPL Awards and Honours is not reliable for any products that entrants purchased for their clients and vice versa. Hence, there will be no return or refund if the products does not satisfy both parties.
14. In case if there is any refund, you agree that we could ask but not obliged to ask you to pay us a minimum of Rs 3500 for each refund, reversals via payment processors, chargeback request or disputes you make or create that is outside of TPL Awards and Honours; this especially relates to chargeback fraud; i.e. when you make a chargeback request but not letting us and Seller know about your refund, reversals via payment processors, chargeback request or disputes resulting in or expected to result in reversal of transaction fees before an order is fulfilled or shipped. You agree that you will pay us Rs 3500 for each Chargeback fraud you committed; we especially set the minimum of Rs 3500 as fine for Chargeback fraud you might commit to make it financially feasible for us to sue you in court.

In case of any pricing errors while purchasing our products and services, TPL Awards and Honours reserves the right to cancel any orders including but not limited to confirmed, processed, and paid orders at any time without any obligation to you. Your sole remedy in these situations, as a buyer would be a refund to your credit card or payment method and we further reserve the right to add such credits balance to your account balance at TPL Awards and Honours.

1. Miscellaneous

If any part of these Terms of Use is declared unlawful, void, or unenforceable, that part will be deemed severable and will not affect the validity and enforceability of any remaining provisions.

These Terms of Use and any applicable end user license or similar agreements contain the entire agreement between the parties relating to the Websites. Nothing in these Terms of Use is intended to confer on any third party any benefit or any right under any legislation in any country to enforce the provisions of these Terms of Use.